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Published Jun 08, 2023

Matt Keezer, CEO of Momentum Ventures, Proudly Recognizes FlightHub’s Partnerships for Ukraine Relief Efforts

Matt Keezer, CEO of Momentum Ventures, Proudly Recognizes FlightHub’s Partnerships for Ukraine Relief Efforts

As published in Business Wire, FlightHub Group, a subsidiary of Momentum Ventures, joined forces with multiple partners in 2022 to provide relief efforts to those impacted by Ukraine’s ongoing crisis. In a partnership with 4Ukraine.ca and Air Transat, FlightHub provided free flights, booking assistance, and donations to Ukrainians affected by the conflict. The initiative aimed to ease the burden of those affected by the crisis and provide them with access to safe and reliable transportation to Canada. To date, FlightHub has sponsored over $117,000 CAD in flights, moving 222 people to safety.

FlightHub Group also entered into a partnership with WestJet to provide transportation services for GlobalMedic’s field team members traveling to and from areas near conflict-affected Ukraine. In a collaborative effort, WestJet operated flights between European gateways on its network, while FlightHub transported the GlobalMedic team from these gateways to neighboring countries of Ukraine, sponsoring the transportation of 22 passengers abroad.

The efforts were a significant step towards alleviating the suffering of those impacted by the crisis. “FlightHub Group’s relief efforts are a testament to their commitment to supporting communities in need,” said Matt Keezer, CEO of Momentum Ventures. “Momentum Ventures recognizes the importance of using available resources to make a positive impact in the world. We are proud of FlightHub Group and their partners for taking part in these initiatives and supporting those affected by the ongoing conflict in the country.”

Momentum Ventures’ dedication to promoting responsible business practices is reflected in its support of initiatives such as FlightHub’s, which aim to provide assistance to those in need. These initiatives were prime examples of the power of collaboration and the positive impact that can be achieved when companies work together towards a common goal.